Thus Owls - Harbours
SEK 150.00
Second album from Canadian/Swedish band Thus Owls. Music by Erika Angell.
Personell: Erika Angell - vocals, Simon Angell - guitar, Cecilia Persson - piano, Martin Höper - bass, Ola Hultgren - drums. Guests: Mariam Wallentin - vocals, Ellekari Larsson Sander - vocals, Joakim Toftgård - trombone, Thomas Backman - sax, Melanie Bélair - violin, Melanie Vaugeois - violin, Ligia Paquin - viola, Annie Gadbois - cello. Release: 2011-10-05. Total Time: 45 min.
The Canadian/Swedish band Thus Owls have carved themselves into the psyches and hearts of many curious crowds along their way. The groupʼs cinematic, dark and emotional art-folk hits you in the gut and brings your focus to what lays deep inside. More info