Anders Boson Jazz Ensemble - Kärleken

SEK 150.00


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Debut album from trumpet player and singer Anders Boson. Pianotrio plus a 3-piece horn section. Soulful, romantic and swinging jazz.

Personnel: Anders Boson - trumpet, vocals, Axel Mårdsjö - alto- and tenor saxophone, Jakob Sollerman - trombone, Olli Rantala - bass, Simon Westman - piano, Michael Edlund - drums. Release: 2021-02-19. Total time: 37 min.

Anders Boson has released several pop and soul albums, always with a hint of jazz. In 2020, the time felt right though to explore the world of jazz and improvisation even further. The album “Kärleken” and the forming this new band is the result of this curiosity. More info

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